christina_reads Jun 14, 2011 16:20
challenge: mystery and suspense, genre: historical fiction, genre: fiction, genre: mystery, reviews, challenge: historical fiction 2011, era: french revolution, challenge: 11 in 11, era: 18th century, country: france
christina_reads Sep 06, 2010 17:31
genre: historical fiction, genre: fiction, challenge: year of the historical, challenge: read the world, reviews, tbr shelf, era: french revolution, challenge: 1010 category challenge, country: france
christina_reads Jul 12, 2010 20:14
genre: fiction, genre: nonfiction, challenge: french revolution mini, genre: young adult, genre: epistolary, reviews, genre: biography, era: french revolution, challenge: ya reading challenge, challenge: 1010 category challenge, country: canada
christina_reads Feb 01, 2010 11:51
era: french revolution, genre: historical fiction, challenge: ya reading challenge, challenge: french revolution mini, genre: young adult, reviews, genre: coming-of-age
christina_reads Feb 15, 2009 17:15
era: french revolution, topic: fashion, genre: nonfiction, challenge: 999 challenge, reviews, genre: biography